Saturday, April 15, 2017

4 weeks left!!

It's getting down to crunch time! Four weeks from today dad and I will be driving out to San Diego. May 15th is my official start date of the trail! These past few weeks have been going by so slow, graduating college in 3 weeks and starting a 2,650 mile hike the next week.

A lot of people have been asking me what I am doing to prepare for this journey. Honestly, aside from soaking in as much information as I can, I haven't been doing much in terms of physically preparing. This will probably make the first few weeks on the trail suck, because it will take my body a little longer to adjust to the daily exertion.

I had to add a few new items to my gear list. The main 2 are microspikes and an ice axe. There has been huge amounts of snow in the Sierras this year. It was very close to becoming a record year for snow fall! A lot of hikers are freaking out about it, I say bring on the challenge! Plus I will be starting later than most so it will give the snow more of a chance to melt.
Ice Axe

Now that the weather is getting a little nicer maybe I will get out and go for a run and try to get in a little better shape. A lot of people are starting the trail in April, so I have been keeping up with a lot of blogs to see what to expect. The anticipation is growing!

Here is a link to my pack list:

Micro Spikes

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